News Snapshot
So many updates, so little time to share
e-G8 Summit Invites The Triana Group
Le TrianaGroup sera présent au eG8 à Paris du 23 au 25 mai 2011. Nous vous ferons partager en liveTweet le déroulement de ce e-G8 sur le compte @TrianaGroup avec le hashtag #eG8. Suivez-nous!
Meet Int’l Life Sciences CEO’s & Partners
The TrianaGroup is organizing a workshop in partnership with BioNJ and Provence Promotion. It will be held the 13th of April in the office of Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP in New Jersey. You can register to this event by clicking on this link.
The Triana Group Welcomes Lorraine Marchand and Pamela Yih as Advisors
The Triana Group reinforces its Life Sciences team with the addition of Lorraine Marchand and Pamela Yih. They both bring considerable experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry including as Directors at Bristol Myers Squibb.
France’s Leading Business News Network BFM Radio Interviews The Triana Group’s Frederic Champavere
France's leading business news network BFM Radio interviews Frederic Champavere, Managing Partner at The Triana Group (in French). Frédéric Champavère, Managing Partner de Triana Group, été interviewé par BFM Radio le 7 decembre...
The Triana Group welcomes Jacques Rames as an Advisor
The Triana Group welcomes Jacques Rames, the President and Managing Director of Motorola in France. [update: Mr. Rames is now General Manager of Global Accounts at Hewlett-Packard]
Join The New York Technology Council, Provence Promotion and Triana for a discussion on Internationalization for Small to Midsize Businesses
Join Triana at 2 upcoming events
Dear Triana Colleagues and Friends: As you may already know, Triana, together with Google, Verizon, Information Builders, Amper, Politziner & Mattia, RRE Ventures, and Citi, is a Founding Sponsor of the New York Technology Council (NYTECH). Those of you who are in New...
Triana Group joins Google, Verizon, and others as Founding Sponsor of the New York Technology Council
The Triana Group Sponsors New York Technology Council
The Triana Group Welcomes Jean-Noel Poirier as an Advisor
The Triana Group starts building a cleantech advisory capacity thanks to the addition of two new Advisors; Kristin Barbato is the Head of Strategic Planning at the energy company ConEdison. [update: since then she joined Veolia Energy in New York as Head of Business...
The Triana Group Welcomes Kristin Barbato as an Advisor
The Triana Group starts building a cleantech advisory capacity thanks to the addition of two new Advisors; Kristin Barbato is the Head of Strategic Planning at the energy company ConEdison. [update: since then she joined Veolia Energy in New York as Head of Business...
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85 Broad St., #16-010
New York, NY 10004, USA