Nice article from ABC News on SkyTran, the company developped by one of Triana’s advisor Jerry Sanders. Forget planes, trains and automobiles, a totally new kind of transportation is in the works at a NASA lab in the South Bay. Gliding pods could someday pick...
Columbia Business School appoints The Triana Group’s healthcare technologies division founder and head, Lorraine Marchand, associate director and senior advisor of its Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Management Program New York. The Triana Group is pleased to announce...
Le TrianaGroup sera présent au eG8 à Paris du 23 au 25 mai 2011. Nous vous ferons partager en liveTweet le déroulement de ce e-G8 sur le compte @TrianaGroup avec le hashtag #eG8. Suivez-nous!
France’s leading business news network BFM Radio interviews Frederic Champavere, Managing Partner at The Triana Group (in French). Frédéric Champavère, Managing Partner de Triana Group, été interviewé par BFM Radio le 7 decembre 2010. Ecoutez l’interview...