AVOB ™ – Alternative Visions Of Business – is a software company innovating in the field of energy management hardware and power management and more generally a recognized player in the IT eco-friendly and green IT.
AVOB chose The Triana Group to open its New York office, from which the company will interface with its existing California antenna and all partners and clients across the Americas. Triana will coordinate with AVOB to hire an engineer fully dedicated to the company’s American business, including managing relationships with partners McAfee, HP, integrators and others.
Present in twenty countries, AVOB develops and markets software solutions and services to help individuals and companies drastically reduce the energy consumption of their IT infrastructure and significantly reduce its carbon footprint. It also develops solutions in the larger green building space.
The advanced technologies developed by AVOB ™ won awards at CeBIT, the largest fair in the computer industry in the world.